Wednesday 26 March 2014

What is the use of prenatal vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins are extremely significant for mothers and their babies. These vitamins are particularly formulated multivitamins that help to make up for any deficiencies that the mother might be missing in her diet. While the supplements include several vitamins and minerals, the most essential components of prenatal vitamins that include folic acid, calcium and iron. All of which are very important for the healthy development of a baby.
Pregnant women need a substantial amount of folic acid in their diets. Folic acid helps to lessen the risk of birth defects in the baby, specifically in the brain and spinal cord.
These kinds of deficiencies often occur within the first 28 days after conception. Unfortunately, this is before many women even understand that they are pregnant. Owing to this and because half of pregnancies are unplanned, it is suggested that all women who are old enough to have children take 400 micrograms of folic acid on a daily basis.
The FDA also needs that some specific food items should be prepared with folic acid to help women get the required amounts of folic acid that they need through their diets. All foods that are made of flour, such as bagels and breads, these are already prepared with folic acid.
Over and above these fortified foods, women can get folic acid from the following sources:
  • Green Leafy Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Citrus Fruits
Calcium is also particularly important in women and a prenatal vitamin can help her in getting the suggested amounts of calcium she needs. Women who receive ample amounts of calcium in their diet are able to protect their own bone loss while the body builds bones for the baby.
Iron helps both the mother and the baby's blood convey sufficient oxygen for proper function. It is essential to understand that not all prenatal vitamins are built the same. A woman's doctor is able to advise her on the brands that are best suited for her.

Importance of prenatal vitamins during pregnancy

Prenatal vitamins are particularly formulated to meet the growing nutritional requirements of pregnant women, along with providing essential building blocks for the growing baby. A high quality prenatal vitamin should include higher amounts of calcium and iron than what is found in regular multivitamins. It should also comprise of folic acid. Here are the top three reasons you should take these vitamins during your pregnancy:
  • Lessen the risks of birth defects:
A good value prenatal vitamin must include folic acid, which may also appear as Folate on the label. Sufficient intake of this nutrient is important within the initial month of your pregnancy. As a matter of fact, health experts suggest that women who are trying to become pregnant must take either prenatal vitamins or a folic acid supplement since it plays a crucial role in considerably lessening the dangers of neural tube defects, which harmfully impact the brain and spine.
  • Maintains healthy bones:
Your body will offer whatever vitamins and minerals your baby might need, even if it means acquiring it from your body. Prenatal vitamins offer your body with enhanced calcium to defend the density of your bones. Your baby needs considerable amounts of calcium at the time of your third trimester to build a strong skeletal system. Having just about 300 milligrams of calcium every day should meet your baby's requirements.
  • Helps your blood:
Prenatal vitamins must also include higher amounts of iron-approximately 25-30 milligrams. Iron helps the body in producing hemoglobin, and hemoglobin conveys oxygen all over your body. Increasing your iron intake can also lessen the possibilities that you'll grow anemia. Pregnancy-related anemia has been linked to early delivery along with low birth weights. Not all vitamins are formulated properly, so it's a good idea to carry out a bit of research to discover a brand that makes use of high quality constituents. It's always good to bear in mind that vitamins should be an add-on to a well-rounded diet and it must not substitute it! There are many excellent quality imported brands from the US which have been developed by doctors and made there.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Importance of breastfeeding for your baby

Breastfeeding is gaining more and more popularity as the healthy choice for woman and their new born, but the question comes up why. Breast milk for one thing is very easy for the baby's stomach to digest as different to formula. Breast milk includes nutrients, cells and hormones that your infant actually requires. Baby formula cannot match the chemical structure of breast milk. It is best for the mother to start the breast feed as soon as possible after the baby is born, if the baby is born naturally i.e. vaginal birth then the mother should start breast feed just after to put into effect the bond and help the baby recognize the mother. Breastfeeding should not be a sore experience in any way. If a latch hurts then it is best to help your baby relatch. The mother should ensure that a baby knows how to latch and how to find a breast on its own. A mother should learn about her child's indications of hunger as early on as feasible by keeping the baby in the room with her while she is in the hospital. Babies will become more attentive and full of life when they are hungry they will put their fists to their mouths or move their head around searching for a breast, crying is an important indication of hunger. Many mothers also discover that they truly relish the whole practice of breast feeding their babies, particularly when they understand that their baby will be more contented and healthier as a result of it. Hormones released at the time of breast feeding will boost the bonding between the mother and the baby. This leads to the realization of the baby's emotional and physical wants. It is advisable for all the breastfeeding mother to take prenatal vitamins, exclusively vitamin D supplement is suggested for all breast-feeding women and for breast-fed babies. Iron and Calcium appendages are also useful. There are some excellent imported products available from the US. Please consult your doctor before you start taking any supplements. Always trust the genuine and authenticated store to buy them.

The importance of iron during pregnancy

Hemoglobin becomes very critical at the time of your pregnancy. Since your baby is also the recipient, you require extra iron to fulfill the requirements of your body along with the baby. Generally, the average woman requires 15mg, but now that she is pregnant, the iron necessity increases to 30-50mg, particularly from about the 20th week on. Iron facts:
  • Many women have an insufficient iron level in their system to commence with, and the lack becomes more prominent at the time of pregnancy
  • Iron is very crucial for the growth of fetus; it is the only nutrition which the fetus depends on entirely on the mother for the supply.
  • Iron is required for the creation of red blood cells; enough stores of iron from the start of the pregnancy to the end are important.
  • The average woman cannot depend on diet itself. The demand doubles at the time of pregnancy and thus iron supplements are added to balance for the deficiency.
Deficiency of iron may lead to:
  • Insufficient store of this mineral is the probable cause of never-ending exhaustion;
  • increases the occurrence of sicknesses and fainting spells
  • Lack of iron will put a tension on the maternal heart
  • Lack of iron will also cause danger to the mother as she might face extreme bleeding at the time of delivery
Advantages of iron supplements:
  • Iron supplements are helpful; they help in manufacturing hemoglobin, which will in turn aids you to keep up with the required energy during pregnancy.
  • Iron tablets come in various kinds and under several trade names: ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate and ferrous fumarate
  • Absorption of iron is improved by vitamin C. Ideally supplements should be taken along with fruit juices
  • Certain foods and medications that include high calcium foods, caffeinated drinks and antacids slow down the process of iron absorption. So, avoid taking your supplements with these items at the same sitting.
  • In the later months of pregnancy, when the blood volume has extended, women may also have to take additional supplements separately from their prenatal vitamins as the iron dose won't be sufficient then.

Healthy pregnancy nutrition for a healthy mother and baby

Undoubtedly, healthy pregnancy nutrition is very crucial. Safe and healthy eating habits keep up the good health and offer nutrition for the growing fetus. Thus it is a necessity to maintain a balanced nutrition prior and at the time of pregnancy. A well-nourished and healthy mother gives birth to a healthy baby and can nurture her child well after birth as well.
Even though, at times during the initial period of pregnancy, it is difficult to maintain any diet owing to the symptoms like nausea and morning sickness, but after this phase go by, along with the growth of baby in the fetus, you need to increase the nutrition in your diet. Thus, a nutritious diet, rich in fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals is prudent for the healthy development of the growing baby.
Prior deciding about taking any pregnancy supplements, it is significant to point out that any such supplements must be taken under the medical guidance or as prescribed by your health care professional since an incorrect dosage may have an effect on the growth of the baby. For example some of the crucial vitamins and minerals, like those of folic acid and iron, if taken at the time of pregnancy in the starting of the three months of conception, it can prove to be very useful during pregnancy.
Fish oil which is given for pregnancy nutrition aids in forming a healthy brain and body of the developing baby, since it includes high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Always keep in mind; healthy people have a healthy pregnancy. Thus, both the parents must ingest the nourishing and healthy diet prior you plan to have a baby. You must keep away from alcohol, tobacco, drugs etc. and the medical tests, as suggested by your doctor.

An important insight on pregnancy stretch marks

Pregnancy is one amazing phase of your life so do not let the minute complications of pregnancy that may take placelessen your spirits in any possible way. Brighten up even if you are having problems like stretch marks as there are variouscures existing and research has shown that after some time they usually fade away.
Stretch marks are labeled in Dermatology as scar shape on the skin with a silvery white hue. When they initially appear on the skin they may be reddish or purple in color but as with the passing time they steadily fade to a pale white color and the skin in that area becomes soft to touch.
  • The more stretchy your skin is the less prone you are to getting stretch marks
  • Rapid weight gain may lead to stretch marks so eat healthy and decrease that additional fat.
  • Genetics also play acrucialrole, so if your mother got stretch marks there are possibilities that you will get them too.
  • If you are having a baby, it multiples the probabilities of stretch marks since the belly generally grows larger than other women
  • In case you have grown stretch marks on your breast at the time of your puberty you are more expected to build up stretch marks
  • If in case you are pregnant for the second and you had stretch marks in the first time it is more likely that you'll grow them again
Try to drink lots of water and eat a nourishing diet, so that you are more liable to avoid some serious stretch marks. Pregnancy stretch marks should not be considered as such a big problem that it upsets your peace of mind and happiness.It is important to keep your skin as supple as possible and there are products like Dream Belly Butter creams available in the market to treat these marks, so enjoy your pregnancy phase.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Get to know about your pregnancy supplements

While you are pregnant, taking care of your diet becomes one important matter. At the time of pregnancy, the growing embryo depends exclusively on the mother for their nutritional requirements along with deduction of wastes. Crash to deliver the embryo’s required nutrients to grow usually has serious costs that may also spoil the mother’s health.

Luckily, there are solutions for women to fulfill their nutritional needs. This solution is a good pregnancy supplement, which are very helpful in limiting the rate of nutritional deficiency and make certain about the general well-being of both the mother and baby.

There are in fact two wide groups of pregnancy supplements to compliment the required list of foods to eat when pregnant. The first group includes vitamins A, D, E and K, which are all fat-soluble, and the other group comprises of the vitamin B group and vitamin C, which are soluble in water.

Getting to understand about the supplements which are harmless to take during pregnancy and which to evade, can be puzzling. The doctor suggests that you eat healthy in while you’re pregnant so that your baby receives all the nutrients it can. Nevertheless, did you know that eating healthy is not sufficient for the healthy development of your baby’s brain?

It’s true, there are many nutrients that can be discovered in food, for that you require to have pregnancy supplements. Take extra care of your diet and yourself to provide the maximum nutrition to your baby!